Gator Gear for Campus Enhancements

Our Gateway school administrators are currently preparing for a full campus next year by repairing and replacing items to keep our campus a safe (and fun!) environment for our Gator students! This will likely include resurfacing or replacing outdoor tables and benches, ensuring play equipment is safe and ready, and preparing our learning environments. to help with this, PSP is having a spirit wear fundraiser that will allow our families to contribute to a beautiful and safe area for our Gators while also grabbing some spirit wear!

You can find more info here!

Note: The fundraiser will close June 20th, and items will print at that time. Items will ship to your chosen shipping address and should arrive within 2-3 weeks after the close of the fundraiser.


Thank You Card



Thank You Card Activity


Teacher Appreciation Week

Are you looking for some crafty ideas of how to make a sweet and colorful thank you note? One of our Art Docent Leads, Janet Smith, has put together some art videos for our families to make teacher “thank you” cards for Teacher Appreciation Week. Thank you, Janet!

The videos have options for younger and older kiddos. They also offer options of being artistic with crayons or watercolors. Feel free to use whatever you have access to right now! These videos are so helpful! Have fun!

Click on the titles to go to the YouTube video link. 



Thank You!

For more information about Teacher Appreciation Week, go here.



Holiday Newsletter


Holiday Newsletter


Hi Gator Families! We sent this through school communication in December, but we wanted to make sure to post it onto our website since it has helpful updates about activities this year. To read the Holiday Newsletter, go here: PSP Holiday Newsletter December 2020 FINAL.

Some highlights:

  • Increased Connection – our team dove into our social media accounts, via FaceBook and Instagram, to keep our Gator families informed of school community activities affecting their families. AND we have a PSP website this year! Keep checking our website for updates, as we continue to learn how to best utilize this.
  • Parent Directory – New this year, a Parent Directory! This is an opt-in process. If you’re interested in being part of a school directory that allows you to find other students, whose families have also opted in, go here. This is a great way to try to find your friends for activities outside of the classroom!
  • Virtual events – our team explored different ideas to bring some entertainment and connection to our families via virtual events, so that we could still do something together, while physically being apart. We’ve held a virtual auction, a virtual camp out, and a virtual dance party. Check them out!
  • Yearbook – We’re still having a yearbook this year! This incomparable year is worth being captured. Student photos, artwork, and creative writing will be highlighted. You can purchase one at this link.
  • AGC Update – when we wrote this in December, we were at 5%, with $7,101 contributed. The AGC is now at 8%, with $12,516. Thank you, families! If interested in donating, go here.

Current Update: 

We are so thankful for our Gator families! You continue to show your resilience as we navigate through all the changes coming our way this year. Thankfully, quality learning, thoughtful assessments, and steadfast leadership has helped make all the difference for our school community! Keep on, Gators!

Welcome Back Gators!

Welcome Back, Gators! It has been quite the journey. A lot has changed during these last 5 months. The only thing that has been certain is uncertainty. We have gone from in person learning, to virtual learning, to summer vacation, to the point that we are now at—school beginning virtually for all students. The beginning of this school year brings all of us different thoughts and anticipations. As the Parent School Partnership (PSP), we plan to help keep our families informed and connected. Our hope is to provide a space where we can still build a sense of community and togetherness, even though we will not be together in person.


Covid-19 has changed our lives dramatically. These changes look different for everyone and have different implications depending on the type of group or system you look to. For the PSP at this time, Covid-19 precautions will affect all our in-person activities, from events to volunteering on campus in the classroom. We will not hold any in person events, but will instead hold activities virtually wherever possible. While we are unable to physically be in the classroom to volunteer, we can find alternate ways to support the classroom from home. Flexibility and innovation will need to be key to our plans.


Your PSP Board has been busily working to figure out what this new year could look like for all of us! We are eager to explore new opportunities and ways to connect virtually. Some new pieces we are adding this year are 1) increased presence on social media; 2) virtual events; and 3) a Parent Directory. All of these are intended to better inform and connect our parents during an everchanging landscape.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at We look forward to this journey with you. Welcome Back, Gators!

Your PSP Team,

(Daniela Miranda; Krystl Burleigh; Kay Bass)

Welcome Back Letter

Parent School Partnership

What is the PSP?

The Parent School Partnership (PSP) is a partnership between all members of the school – administration, teachers, staff – and all of our families. The PSP is volunteer based and allows our parents and families to work together to enhance campus community, provide school support, and help enrich our students’ collective experience. Your PSP board – and all of our helpers throughout the year – are Rocklin Academy Gateway parents just like you! If you would like to get involved, please fill out our Volunteer Interest Form and attend our meetings.

PSP meetings will be held virtually this year! Please see our Meeting Schedule for more info!

Some of the many reasons to participate:
•Meet other parents
• Boost your child’s academic success via parent involvement
• Share your valuable ideas and insights
• Help raise money for your child’s education
• Enjoy camaraderie and a sense of belonging to a great community
• Feel the satisfaction of volunteering your talents